Renga renga renga

How big do Renga Renga lilies grow?

Spectacular mass planted, and useful for quickly and solidly filling a large area with lush foliage and flowers. Tolerates coastal winds. Fine with light frosts, and colder climates will die off in winter and come back in spring. Mature height 50cm x width 50cm.

Where do I plant Renga Renga?

Grows in part sun or shade, under trees or in the semi open. Excellent for mass planting with foliage that looks good year round. An excellent choice to brighten up a dull corner in the garden.

How do you grow Renga lilies?

Collect the seeds from the Renga Renga lilies at the end of summer from the ends of the finished tiny white flowers.

  1. Plant the seeds into a tub of seed raising mix. Don't sow too deeply and only cover lightly.
  2. Wait anywhere between 10 to 30 days for germination. Keep watered.
  3. Plant the seedlings in small containers.

Is Renga frost tender?

Frost tender but will easily survive moderate frosts if planted under trees.

What plants grow well in shade NZ?

We recommend maples (acer), camellia, rangiora (brachyglottis), cabbage tree (cordyline), dogwood (cornus), puka (meryta sinclarii), pseudopanax, rhododendron, nikau palm (rhopalostylis), rimu (dacrydium), and viburnum. Or choose from our great range of deciduous trees for summer shade and autumn colour.

How do you care for Arthropodium?

Arthropodium Plant Care Water to establishment then little water is required except when adequate rainfall isn't sufficient and during dry spells. Mulch to retain moisture in the soil and suppress weeds. Feed in Spring with a general fertiliser. No pruning is usually required other than to tidy.

How do you propagate a poor knight Lily?

Sow the seed thinly on top of a pot of pure sphagnum moss and place the pot in a shallow dish of water so capillary action can bring enough moisture to the surface. All you have to do then is wait till they germinate. They will grow in ordinary potting mix, but they tend to rot.